Dragon Ball FighterZ is a dream come true for DB fans, combining the anime’s characters with a quick and flashy fighting game. It takes us through the big history of the series, from Dragon Ball Z, GT, to Dragon Ball Super. For all DB lovers, FighterZ gives a dynamic roster so everyone can find a character of their own style.
With multiple versions of Goku, a couple of Brolies, and a range of fan favorites, this game goes deep into the Dragon Ball universe. Further, you get to witness characters like Beerus and Android 21 throwing down with pure insanity. Here’s a breakdown of all the Dragon Ball FighterZ characters, including both the base game and DLC.
All Dragon Ball FighterZ Base Characters
These are all the characters you will find in the main DB Fighterz game:
Character | Description |
Android 16 | Rebuilt by Bulma for FighterZ, he’s a gentle giant with brutal grapples. |
Android 18 | Combines her moves with Android 17. A smart and fierce fighter. |
Android 21 | The villain of FighterZ, now part of the Dragon Ball canon with her unique moves. |
Beerus | The God of Destruction, complete with planet-annihilating moves and a love for tasty treats. |
Captain Ginyu | Leader of the Ginyu Force, a niche choice, with his famous body-switching move! |
Cell | The perfect form of destruction, Cell’s iconic moves from his epic saga make him a deadly force. |
Frieza | Final Form Frieza, complete with his trademark cruelty. Even his Golden Frieza form makes an appearance. |
Gohan (Adult) | Gohan, as he appears during the Buu saga, showcases his maturity and strength. |
Teen Gohan | The younger Gohan, Super Saiyan 2, drawn from his fight with Cell—a fan-favorite for his strong moves. |
Goku (Super Saiyan) | Classic Goku with Super Saiyan moves, including a brief appearance of Super Saiyan 3 in his meteor smash. |
Goku (SSGSS) | Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (or Blue) Goku, with God Ki for more explosive action. |
Goku Black | Goku’s body hijacked by a Supreme Kai, with a pink Super Saiyan form and scythe-wielding madness. |
Gotenks | The fusion of Goten and Trunks, sporting his signature crazy moves, like the Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack. |
Hit | The time-stopping assassin from Universe 6, with a skill set that’s both sneaky and deadly. |
Kid Buu | The chaotic, pure form of Majin Buu, an unpredictable and destructive force in the game. |
Krillin | Goku’s lifelong bestie. Despite lacking power-ups, his Kienzan and utility make him a beloved underdog. |
Majin Buu | The silly, yet powerful big pink blob, known for his comedic moves and surprising strength. |
Nappa | Saiyan warrior with some memorable memes, he can summon Saibamen to join the fight! |
Trunks (Future) | Wielding his sword and returning from the destructive future, Trunks brings his iconic slashes to the table. |
Piccolo | Gohan’s mentor, showing his signature stretchy arms and energy-based attacks. |
Tien Shinhan | A former rival of Goku, now an ally. With his powerful Ki attacks, he’s still a powerful force. |
Vegeta (Super Saiyan) | Vegeta in his iconic Super Saiyan form with explosive energy blasts. |
Vegeta (SSGSS) | The God form of Vegeta, comes with slick combos and strong power. |
Yamcha | Often joked about, but he brings the Wolf Fang Fist with charm and nostalgic energy. |
DLC Characters:
We already have a huge list of characters in the base game but the regular DLCs have expanded the roster to a long collection including the different variants of single characters such as Goku and more. So, here is the complete list of Dragon Ball FighterZ characters that arrived in the expansions:
Character | Description |
Bardock | Father of Goku, with an aggressive playstyle. |
Broly (DBZ) | The original Legendary Super Saiyan with pure rage and brute force. |
Broly (DBS) | A more upgraded version of Dragon Ball Super, with extra depth and bigger power moves. |
Vegito (SSGSS) | The fusion of Goku and Vegeta in Super Saiyan Blue form. |
Zamasu (Fused) | The fusion of Goku Black and Zamasu, with divine and flashy techniques. |
Cooler | Frieza’s more suave brother, complete with his final form’s power. |
Jiren | From Universe 11, the calm but overwhelming powerhouse introduced in Dragon Ball Super. |
Videl (with Great Saiyaman) | A dynamic combo with her moves integrating the Great Saiyaman. |
GT Goku | The smaller but fierce Goku from Dragon Ball GT, has Super Saiyan 4. |
Janemba | The demonic villain from Fusion Reborn, his sword, and dimension-bending moves make him unique. |
Gogeta (SSGSS) | The fusion of Goku and Vegeta once again, but this time, it’s totally Super Saiyan Blue. |
Gogeta (SS4) | From Dragon Ball GT, the fierce, feral version of Gogeta in his Super Saiyan 4 form. |
Kefla | The Saiyan fusion of Kale and Caulifla from Universe 6, brings high energy and higher speed. |
Master Roshi | The Turtle Hermit himself, presents his old-school techniques and hidden power. |
Super Baby 2 | The villain from Dragon Ball GT, known for his ability to control other fighters. |
Goku (Ultra Instinct) | Goku in his most evolved form with pure instinct and great dodging techniques. |
Android 21 (Lab Coat) | A new form for Android 21, with a balance between brain and brawn. |
So, if we combine these DLC figures with the base lineup, it’s a big list and you have a wide space to pick and play with the characters whatever you like. But you have to spend money to buy these expansions and we will not be seeing the new additions to this roster as the game is not getting further updates and the developers have shifted their focus on the new Dragon Ball games.