If all the surrounding rumors are correct, we may get the new Apple iPhone 14 Max in the new upcoming iPhone 14 products. However, the 6.7-inch device could have an entirely new moniker when it debuts. Lanzuk, a very well leaker, claims that the iPhone 14 Plus, not the iPhone 14 Max, will be the name of Apple’s bigger entry-level iPhone 14.
However, we will not see any name changes for all other products in the lineup, Lanzuk says. In addition to the normal 6.1-inch iPhone 14, the two iPhone 14 Pro variants will also be released. The iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max, correspondingly, will have 6.1-inch and 6.7-inch displays.
There haven’t been any Plus iPhone releases from Apple in five years, despite the iPhone 8 Plus being the last model. Even till the release of the iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max, there was no such thing as a “Pro” version of the iPhone.
A Few Expected Reasons Behind the Name Change
As speculated, Apple will rename the two 6.7-inch iPhones that will appear in its iPhone 14 series in order to distinguish them from one another. Because of the slightly similar titles, Apple may be trying to differentiate its most costly iPhone model, the iPhone 14 Pro Max, from iPhone 14 Max, which is the affordable one.
The 6.7-inch model’s comeback to the Plus label certainly makes it stand out from the rest. Another reason why Apple is changing the name is that this iPhone 14 Max/Plus might be the substitute for the iPhone mini – so Apple may want to launch a newcomer to the lineup with a different and fresh identifier.
iPhone 14 Plus: An Opposing Viewpoint
Lanzuk is a well-known leaker, and their blog claims to have obtained information from a vendor, but not everybody believes the name will change. Twitter user ShrimpApplePro has been claiming that the Plus name will not be returning with the iPhone 14, and they’re sticking to it since August 2021.
There won’t be any Plus. pic.twitter.com/dr58nnomtT
— ShrimpApplePro ? (@VNchocoTaco) June 28, 2022
Additionally, it is the first-ever reference to the iPhone 14 Plus as the title of the upcoming 6.7-inch version was made by Lanzuk. According to prior speculations, Apple’s iPhone 14 Max will be renamed to distinguish it from the iPhone 14 Mini, which will be discontinued.